Sunday, January 3, 2010


Happy New Year everybody!
So, I guess I should start out by introducing myself. My name is Amanda. Im 18 years old and I live a -relativley- simple lifestyle. I am the oldest in my family. My mother and father are still alive and my brother is 9 years old. I have a good relationship with all of them and I enjoy spending time with them. Im on here because I am obese. I have tried almost everything else to try and loose weight so I figured why not give blogging a try? Ive always loved writing, and at one point, I thought it was what I wanted to do with the rest of my life. (Warning, i tend to write sparatically, and get off-the-subject ;P) So, like I was saying, im fat. I come from a overweight family. Ive always been this way. I was always the chubby girl in school where people would make fun of. I have a very optimistic personality so it never really botherd me. Some days i was more sensetive to it than others... All throughout middle/highschool i was very overweight. I had lots of friends and had a blast in highschool, but there were the occasional comments made and laughs, and embarrasment when it was time for gym.... But like i said, nothing that was too bad where i didnt just brush it off.
My family is Italian. Need I say more? Our main focus is on food. Whenever we get together, there is always a wide variety of food involved. My mother is one of the best cooks around, and what she does for fun? BAKE. So, not only am i constantly surrounded by her baked goods she makes every week, my family spends alot of time together, and lets just face it: its all about the food. We have friday night campfires, we have scary movie saturdays, we have poker nights, we have coffee nights, and we have nights where we just go over for dinner. ALL INVOLVING SOMETHING WITH FOOD. This is what I grew up around, it was my lifestyle. And i dont know how to change it, when its constanly in my face. Thats like waving a bag of crack in an addicts face : not cool, man.

So how do you change a lifestyle you've known your entire life???? Im hoping that from this blog and from the support of people like you, I can take steps to becoming healthier and living my life to its fullest. We only have one body, one life, and one chance. So im going to make this work, no matter how hard it may be, no matter what i have to do, and no matter what challenges i face. My family supports me in doing this, but they said to not expect them to change thier lifestyles, because their perfectly happy with it. But, in being constantly surrounded by the problem, its going to take alot of willpower, something i seem to be lacking these days... But, who knows, i may find some mid-way...

I plan on eating healthier, exercising at least once a day, and finding ways to live a happy lifestyle. How am i going to do this? By exploring myself and the realm of blogging and taking one day at a time, I want to do this the right way, no more of the "diets", the "fasting" or the countless other things i have tried. I was the "ill start on monday" girl. and then once monday morning came around, I begin a battle with the coco puffs, and they always seem to win.

Yes, i tend to blog at the weirdest times....

Im not an emotional eater, i dont have an eating disorder, plain and simple? I love food, and i eat too much of it.

I have to learn portion control, and things like that to be able to maintain balance, right?

Right. I dont really have a plan. Im just kind of, oh how does the saying go? "winging-it".
So, feel free to give me : tips, ideas, questions, comments, whateverrrrrrrrr. but please, be respectful, as much as i dont care what people think about me, i do.

P.S. - as much as this is a challenge for me, I am so excited that ive finally found the courage, determination and strength to do this... LETS GO 2010!

This is the year of change.
This is the year of strength.
This is my year.

more Pictures are coming soon!!!!!

[ June 4th, 2009- my graduation. 276 pounds ]



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